
sesame seed health benefits


I have a million vegan and gluten-free cookbooks and of those one million cookbooks, they have 1000’s of hummus recipes. That must mean I’ve gone through about a billion hummus recipes and funny enough, after all this time, none have made me totally happy. So today I set out to make a crazy delicious and creamy gluten-free and vegan hummus recipe and one that can have some instant, flavourful variations made to it too. Served in sandwiches, with crackers or chopped veggies this is a versatile, healthy, high protein dip that no one tires of. We’re going to start with the 1st step and that is the tahini. I can’t stress enough that it is critical to use only RAW tahini, not roasted (sesame seed) tahini. Roasted tahini will change the flavour of the hummus completely and will also remove some of the health benefits of the tahini (sesame seed butter).…

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