
Quinoa Porridge


Quinoa (prounounced keen-wa) was a staple food for the South American Indians living in the high altitudes of the Andes Mountains. The Incas likened to call it the “Chisaya Mama” or the “Mother of all Grains”. It was immensely popular because it was one of few crops that could survive in such high altitudes (10,000 – 20,000 feet above sea level). It could withstand frost, intense sun and the often dry conditions that characterized the Andean climate. It was also recognized for its superior nutritional qualities. For these reasons, it was dubbed “Mother of all Grains” and Quinoa came to have spiritual significance for them. Many traditions and ceremonies surrounded the cultivation, harvest and consumption of quinoa for these people. Quinoa is a “pseudo-grain”-  it’s actually a gluten-free seed, but used in cooking like a whole grain. This nutrient-rich grain is a wonderful source of complete protein, providing all of…

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