
Marissa peer


I  A M  E N O U G H. When we realize that our story and perception of our ‘self’ comes directly from the (wounded) needs of others, a whole new perspective of our life emerges. (re-read this) We have placed all of our self-worth and value… Of how we feel about ourselves directly into the hands of others needs and more often than not, brokenness.  What I mean from this is, imagine it is World War II and you are a book. You are a beautiful book. You are a beautiful book just waiting to be read and devoured by someone. But it’s the war and in the other room is a bottle of whiskey. It’s tough turbulent, painful times in war and the bottle of whiskey is needed by these wounded souls. The whiskey is being devoured and you are being ignored. It makes you feel less. It’s…

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