


Thank you Julie for choosing to feature us on your blog today for “Thankful Thursday”. What a concept that you created by putting people in that state of mind of gratefulness every day of the week and experience more joy – by subscribing to your website. Erinn and I are so grateful for what we do and every day is an absolute blessing to be able to “BE” exactly where we are, together and building this delicious and healthy ‘cupcake empire’. It is so incredible to be able to share this passion with people like you, Julie. We wanted to return this loving gesture you did for for us and we have featured YOUR hard work today. Your weekly diligence and creativity of creating a more loving planet through gratefulness (and also, putting together this very sweet video of Erinn and me). In this video (above), we were able to voice how…

…Patiently waiting to come inside with sub-zero weather outside on Sunday, December 8th, 2013….what a sight to behold. Talk about dedicated fans!! We hit the 1st year in a HUGE way. (Just look at some of the pictures from the day below) Thank you so very much to all of our wonderful staff for working tirelessly to get us set up over the past three weeks for this big day. Caitlynn, Laura N., Erin (with one “n”), Jen, Emily, Andy, Laurie, Jordan, Gill, Laura M., and Rebecca (and Charlotte & Katie whom we miss and are at school). THANK YOU!! xoxoxo (millions of kisses and hugs). We did it!! We really did it!! We hit an incredible 1st YEAR on December 8th, 2013…and we are so proud of everyone who has participated along the way. Thank you to all of our very loyal customers and so many who have now become…

Who doesn’t love Italian food? The language, the love, the food…..ahhhhhhhhhh…. sigh. Last night was no exception for me. I totally wanted a beautiful, rich and yet gentle sauce that was full of ripe tomato flavour and had the depth of fresh basil running through it. Simple tomato sauce. Yes, there is an art to it. You must make sure you don’t overcook it and you cannot under cook it either. It needs to taste ‘fresh’ and light yet not harsh or still tart or bitter with the fresh tomatoes. Here’s my perfect recipe. I make it at least once a month and use it for many dishes like Polenta, Pasta, Lasagna and Gluten-Free Sweet Potato Gnocchi (Recipe to follow soon). Kelly’s Tomato Sauce Ingredients: 3 tbsp REAL olive oil 1 yellow onion, diced 1 large shallot, finely diced (you need to use shallots as they add a richness you can’t…

YOU all spoke and WE listened! <3 There isn’t anything that would make us happier than being able to give back to our lovely followers, fans, customers and friends. What do people REALLY want from us? How can we help YOU achieve what is most important to you? What is the greatest gift we can give to others? The gift of our time and ourselves. By giving as much information and tools to make the changes you want so deeply, so that you can make a difference in your life. What does everyone ask about the most? Well, here’s a small sample… “What do YOU eat?” “Daily?” “Weekly?” “Holidays?” “What do you do for your skin?” “Hair?” “How do you and Erinn get along so well?” “How do I get rid of dairy in my life?” “What is a GREEN Smoothie?” “How do I get it really smooth?” “My husband…

It’s important for us to remember that only thing we have any control over in life is our inner world. In other words that means our thoughts, our emotions, our feelings, where we choose to focus our time and attention, even the meaning or the interpretation we give to things and how we choose to respond to outside circumstances. If your thoughts or emotions right now are focused on feeling “behind” or “overwhelmed” or “not good enough” for any reason, you can stop that right now. Listen to me. You CAN stop that right now. YOU have the power to chose what you’ll focus on, what actions you’ll take and what thoughts you’ll empower, believe in and ultimately, make real. The choice is yours if you will let the sense of overwhelm ‘take you out at the knees’ or empower you to go those three steps further and move you…

Today, I’m going to share a really simple secret that can make your day instantly better. If you’re feeling down, it can make you happier, all day long. It’s something I’ve been trying myself, with great results. It’s three steps, and anyone can do them. This is a repetive procedure repeated over and over, all day long. It starts with a basic assumption: that we are all human beings capable of goodness, love, of pain, of broken hearts and passionate love. That we all have bad days, and good days and it’s the bad days especially when we need to reach out. It is based on my observation that we take other people for granted, and that we have come to judge others and become irritated with them for almost no good reason, and we expect everyone to make us happy or at least behave the way we want them…

Dr. Russell Blaylock is an astounding neurosurgeon. Twenty-six years of practicing medicine and he has now decided to hang up his practice and he is now exclusively involved in research. His experience and studies are astounding. His primary research is excitotoxins, brain function, and nutritional protection of the brain. To say the least, I find it fascinating. Excitotoxins are a special group of amino acids that are the building blocks of protein that we call glutamate, aspartate, and cysteine. Food manufacturers add tons of these excitotoxins to foods of all kinds…yes, including baby food! The only reason glutamate and similar excitotoxins are added to foods is because they enhance the taste of foods. They also need the foods to be addictive. Monosodium Glutamate (MSG), a very popular excitotoxin, triples the amount of insulin the pancreas creates, causing rats (and humans) to become obese. It can also cause brain damage in your…

Life hits you sometimes clear between the eyes to let you know that something is amiss. Maybe you don’t feel well, your stomach feels full and yet, you haven’t eaten, you have some strange aches and pains, people make you agitated, and your thoughts may have become muddled. You don’t feel aligned with the planet or people and feel on the outside of the world. You are dying to hear or see a wake-up call and all along it is tapping its lovely little finger patiently waiting for you to notice. BOOM. It hits. (The wake-up call comes….) I hear this every day. Someone emails me, comments on my blog, calls me or stops me the street. “I can’t believe this is happening to me…” “I can’t believe my husband was diagnosed with this…” “Can you believe it? She was told she has cancer? I can’t believe it!!” Well here’s…

Over the past few years, Astaxanthin has earned a fantastic reputation as one of the most potent and powerful nutritional supplements ever made. In a nutshell, Astaxanthin is a fat-soluble antioxidant with neuroprotective support. It may help with a multitude of functions such as: Reduce inflammation in joints and tissues Support muscle recovery and stamina Protect the body from cellular damage associated with highly oxidative foods Help protect the eyes from UV damage and to reverse the damage. Help the skin resist UV damage from excessive sunlight exposure. Help the proliferation of breast cancer tumour cells Astaxanthin has been shown to improve “working memory”and may even contribute to the prevention of Dementia and Alzheimer’s. Known to counteract the free radicals resulting from high glucose levels in Diabetics. It also may prevent the progression of diabetic nephropathy (damage to or disease of the kidney). Free Radicals can damage DNA Cells and…

How to Find YOUR Happiness What I learned is that I already had all I needed for happiness, but it was buried beneath my insecurities, my discontent with my life, my loathing of my body and myself. I already had it, but it was all covered up. What I’ve discovered is it’s all fantasy…..and we all do it: we fantasize all the time about the ideal partner, the ideal father or mother, the ideal child, the ideal job, home, car, computer, clothes, travel, furniture, TV and of course, body. If we have these ideal things, this perfect fantasy, we’ll be happy right? Well no. Because first, the fantasy can’t ever come true. We can believe all we want that we’re making it come true, but the reality will never match up with the fantasy. That can lead to perpetual disappointment. You can strive for happiness in external things all you…

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